Water is never listed as an ingredient in cocktail recipes, and yet it exists in almost every single one. Many people don't think twice about why ...
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> There is glitter on the bottom of my shoes. Perhaps that is the sign of a good New Year's Eve. Ahoy mates! Are you ready for 2011? 2010 was a good...
> makes two 1 cup of frozen blueberries (or mixed berries) 1 small banana 1/4 cup of plain whole milk yogurt 1/2 cup of almond milk 1 teaspoon ...
> Serves four 4 cluster tomatoes, seeded and finely diced 1/4 cup of finely chopped cilantro 1/2 lime, juiced 1/4 onion, diced 1/2 teaspoon chi...
> Serves four to six 1 cup of dried farro 1 cup of roughly chopped strawberries 1 cup of cherry tomatoes, sliced in half 1 handful of mixed ...
> We had a feast for New Year’s. The sort that makes your stomach hurt and demands an antacid. The sort where you want time to stand still a littl...
> Last month, we opened a call for contributors, and were thrilled to hear that our friend Jeff wanted to share his cocktail know-how with Turntable...
> 'Tis the season of edible holiday treats! Everyone I know is making peppermint bark, molasses cookies (+ smoky ginger-molasses cookies!), gingerbr...
> Back in 2008 when Matt and I first got engaged, we had to tackle a few of the big questions that everyone does when they decide they’re going to...
> It’s soup weather! And yes, I did make this recipe before we took our tree out, but aren’t those twinkly lights so pretty? I don’t know about ...
> Serves four For the croutons: 3 slices of country style bread, cut into cubes 1/4 cup of olive oil 1/2 tablespoon of Aglio, Olio, and Pepperon...
> There's nothing more weekend-y to me than a homemade pizza. We make a fair amount of it in our house. We pour ourselves a glass or two of wine, th...