When I was about eight months pregnant with the twins, a friend introduced me to the Snowy Plover at Andytown Coffee Roasters in San Francisco. I ...
This is the second installment of our new coffee series. You can also read the first post about the difference between light and dark roast coffee...
I don't talk much about it here, but when I was quite small, I lived in Israel for almost two years. It was there that my pale Russian skin receiv...
Matt and I had a raised voices sort of argument about this sandwich, of all things, last weekend. The kind where you wonder, fifteen minutes after...
Melissa and I have never met in person but like many of my other 'blogger friends' she feels like a real life friend. We're emailed about babies a...
I’ve reached the stress baking portion of quarantine. I haven’t quite made it to the sourdough starter and bread-baking stage. Nor have I inve...
It seems that everyone — from individuals to brands — want to be identified as 'creative.' Of course we also want to be smart and analytical, ...
Yesterday, my daughter turned one. We met for coffee with a friend and Neko had her first kids meal (scrambled eggs with a side of fruit and toast...
Living in a twelve unit building where my primary view is an arm-length's peek into other people's apartment windows, I've realized how much this ...
At some point, it became expected that whenever I would go home to visit my family, I would bring a delicious baked good (or goods). In some ways,...
So, Kasey and I are switching things up today. She is taking over the Turntable while I am presenting one of my recipes in the Kitchen. Even t...
I'm always trying to get friends and family to explore different types of drinks — especially if they feature a spirit that they don't normally ...