Most of 2015 has been a blur and something tells me that 2016 might be, too. I recall making crab cakes for breakfast in our pajamas and driving u...
In addition to making food and listening to music, brewing my morning cup of coffee is one of those rituals that I hold most sacred. After all, fo...
Elijah’s Deli welcomed me with open Jewish grandma arms the first time my parents dropped me off in San Diego to start college as a freshman. An...
First thing's first: thank you, from the bottom of my heart for your sweet words on this post. All of your comments meant so much to us! Now, onto...
Serves four 2 cups of fresh brewed, hot coffee 1/3 cup of sugar 6 mint leaves For the whipped cream: 1/2 cup of heavy whipping cream 1...
Let's play a game: you tell me something about your childhood and I will tell you something about mine. I'll start. My family used to travel a ...
Is it summer yet? We’ve had a few glimpses of warm-weather days in San Francisco over the past month, and every sunny day I rush to pair the sum...
The quality and variety of alcoholic beverages available today in major markets is better than ever before, and access to cocktail recipes is jus...
How to cook and clean lobster in eight easy steps.
It snowed in Seattle. On November 4th. I mean…I realize we left California for the PNW but this was something. There’s a part of me that reall...
When I studied abroad in Italy as a junior in college, I diligently maintained a journal. It was a leather-bound notebook that I’d gotten as a g...
It's believed that Count Camillo Negroni asked his bartender to stiffen up an Americano cocktail (comprised of soda water, sweet vermouth, and cam...