Single Serving: Club 8 - Western Hospitality - Turntable Kitchen
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Single Serving: Club 8 – Western Hospitality

Club 8 are a Swedish duo consisting of Karolina Komstedt and Johan Angergård. They’ve been crafting delicious, dreamy pop tunes since as far back as 1995, but they’ve definitely taken a new direction with this latest single. “Western Hospitality” is an boisterous, upbeat tune crafted from bits of 60’s U.S. surf rock, African rhythms, Swedish pop, and Brazilian calypso. Its the first single off of their new album The People’s Record which is scheduled to be released on May 18, 2010. I haven’t heard the rest of the album yet, but if it sounds anything like this – it will be an irresistible soundtrack to the Spring.

Club 8 – Western Hospitality

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