Hi friends! Hope that you all had a wonderful, relaxing and delicious Thanksgiving. I sure did, and have plenty of pictures and recipes to share w...
Hi friends! Hope that you all had a wonderful, relaxing and delicious Thanksgiving. I sure did, and have plenty of pictures and recipes to share w...
So it's official. Like "Shaft, the Dukes of Hazzard and Darkwing Duck" before us, Musical Pairings @ eating/sf has its own theme song. And it feel...
As far as I'm concerned, Thanksgiving is the grandest day of the year. Family, friends, food, a four day weekend. It just doesn't get much better. A...
I like a one pot meal. It's no wonder I'm really into soups, stews and 'bowls' of all kinds (brown rice, bulgur, couscous). There is something so home...
We got married more than a month ago now. It's hard to believe that after nine months of planning every single little detail, September 12th came with...
Why, hello. Hello! It's been quite the September. On Saturday, September 12, 2009, Matt and I got married. At a beautiful private estate called Ca...
Kasey and Matthew are presently returning from their honeymoon. Yes, that is right - they've finally grown tired of living on the run. Besides, they ...
While Matt and I are flying, busing and walking around Argentina, we thought we'd keep you entertained by sharing some of our favorite posts from the ...
Hello, readers. I hope you are having a wonderful, relaxing labor day weekend. I hope you've had time to enjoy a drink, the company of good friends ...
You might have been expecting a review and Local Pairing today, but alas, I must disappoint you--or perhaps, exhilarate you. Because today I bring y...
After watching enough episodes of Top Chef, I have become thoroughly convinced that souffles are the devil. They don't rise. They don't end up having ...