It took me a long time to feel comfortable in the kitchen. I began to enjoy cooking sometime in college, but back then, I owned exactly two cookbo...
There's a roll of film that has been sitting in my night table for seven years now. No reason, really. I haven't developed it. In a way, I kind ...
*serves 4 1 large butternut squash, sliced in half, lengthwise 1/2 large onion, diced 2 cloves of garlic, minced 1 teaspoon of thyme 4 cups...
*serves two 6 slices of cherrywood smoked bacon 1/4 cup of pure maple syrup 1 teaspoon of whole black peppercorns, crushed with a mortar and ...
Last summer, we signed up for a fruit CSA. I had always wanted to love CSAs, but candidly, they never really worked for me before. There were alwa...
I’m a card-carrying member of the Alison Roman fan club. I’ve made The Cookies and The Stew. I watch all of her Instagram videos, and I basica...
Ah, relief. I’ve said it before: despite my undying love for summer, often find it sort of overwhelming. There’s the self-imposed pressure �...
We're sharing another recipe on the West Elm blog today! Adapted from our super popular Rosemary Vanilla Bean Lemonade, this refreshing drink is ...
Serves four 1 pound of fresh halibut (or another firm, white fish), cut into bite-sized cubes 1 tablespoon of finely chopped cilantro 1 small r...
Now that I've reached the ripe old age of 29, I can tell you that I've seen some trends come and go, and come again. Those colored corduroy pants ...
I’ve talked a lot about crêpes in the past — I grew up eating my grandma’s thick, buttery ones (we called them blini) and later my mom’s....
I had recently fallen into a rabbit hole called Alt Summit (if you've been following me on Twitter, you may have noticed that I was tweeting up a ...