Despite the very limited space in my kitchen, I’m particularly fond of my breakfast vessels and gadgets because I am particularly fond of breakf...
Persimmons and I have a funny relationship. My mom and grandpa love them and for years, I didn't really know what the fuss was about -- especially...
Melissa is a wonderful blog friend whom I admire very much. Over the year (ish?) that I've known her, she's been incredibly supportive of Turntabl...
Serves four ½ red onion 1 teaspoon of sugar 1 teaspoon of kosher salt ½ cup of vinegar 1 large head of butter lettuce ¼ cup of walnuts, l...
When I first moved to San Francisco in 2005, I hadn’t made up my mind about it. I wasn’t coming home, specifically, nor was I moving to a city...
Ok, so bare with me on this one. How do you add lavender to coffee to make a lavender latte? Before I met Matt, coffee was just coffee. I could ce...
I used to be quite good at getting out of the house well before noon on the weekends. I would virtually jump out of bed with a mission: to not was...
*Serves two 2 top sirloin steaks (approximately 1 pound total) 1 sprig of fresh rosemary 2 stems of fresh oregano 2 cloves of garlic, thinly...
I rarely watch TV but every two years when the Olympics are on, I find myself glued to the screen for many more hours than I care to admit. In fac...
The holidays are almost upon us and while I was hoping to share a lot of tasty treats and cheer leading up to them, life completely sidelined our ...
It's that weird time of the year when the rest of country gets ready to buckle down for Fall while San Francisco enjoys our brief summer. It's kin...
I’ve been preparing for colder weather all month, and it is finally here. It seems like it was only a few weeks ago that I started to turn away ...