Elijah’s Deli welcomed me with open Jewish grandma arms the first time my parents dropped me off in San Diego to start college as a freshman. An...
The other day, I posted on Facebook, “Anyone else feel like they’re just barely holding their shit together?” It may have been my most comme...
Matt went to Las Vegas for the weekend to hang out with his brother so I was left to my own devices. Usually, when Matt goes away, I start to feve...
I was recently lamenting to Matt that I feel like every time I have an opportunity to cook or photograph food, I basically have to approach it lik...
Water is never listed as an ingredient in cocktail recipes, and yet it exists in almost every single one. Many people don't think twice about why ...
serves four 6 ripe apricots, pits removed handful of fresh lemon verbena leaves 3/4 cup of heavy whipping cream 2 tablespoons of honey (more o...
Matt and I were talking recently about who we call (besides each other) when we need someone to talk to about something important. I immediately sai...
Serves four to six 1 cup of dried farro 1 cup of roughly chopped strawberries 1 cup of cherry tomatoes, sliced in half 1 handful of mixed ...
I don't know about you, but I've been treating myself right this holiday season. French Toast, cinnamon rolls, ginger molasses cookies...you know ...
I’ve reached the stress baking portion of quarantine. I haven’t quite made it to the sourdough starter and bread-baking stage. Nor have I inve...
Everything starts anew. Year after year that I live in San Francisco, I am reminded that the fog will roll in right around my birthday. And I will...
For the pancakes: 1 1/4 cup of barley flour 1 teaspoon of baking powder 1/2 teaspoon of salt 1/4 cup of muscovado sugar (or brown sugar) 1/...