Kristin and I first met in person over drinks in New York City with my friend Dave, after we had been following each other on Twitter for some tim...
There are some things you don’t talk about on the Internet. Your marital problems, for example. A falling out with a friend. A date with your th...
Matt went to Las Vegas for the weekend to hang out with his brother so I was left to my own devices. Usually, when Matt goes away, I start to feve...
Currently, my refrigerator is so bursting with berries and stone fruits that every day starts with a mission to consume. The fruit to yogurt ratio...
*Serves four 4 thick slices of country-style bread 1/4 cup of butter, melted 12 ounces of mixed wild and brown button mushrooms 1 tablespoon...
I give my mom a lot of credit for developing in me a love for fresh produce. Like many people my age, I lived through a time when we drank soda, ate...
Everyone has a story about a drink that they’ve sworn off due to a hellacious night. It usually happened during high school or college or in Mex...
If you’re like me, you’re still processing last week’s events. I had booked a girls trip to Palm Springs nearly a year ago. Our departure da...
I have a confession to make. With this brilliant Indian Summer we've had, I've missed one thing, and it's truly a surprise: cold, rainy, windy day...
Serves four 3 russet potatoes, washed and scrubbed 1/2 cup of crumbled feta cheese 2 teaspoons of kosher salt 1/4 cup of canola oil, plus more...
*Serves four For the chicken: One whole chicken (approximately 4 pounds) 6-8 sprigs of fresh thyme, oregano and sage kosher salt For th...
I've been a huge fan of Sweet Paul for ages and I was beyond thrilled when I was approached to share My Happy Dish with Sweet Paul's readers. Seri...