I just finished reading my friend Jess’s fantastic new book. We finally (finally!) met in person about a month ago after spending years followin...
There is a neatly arranged time and place for everything in life, including peanut butter. I used to tell Matt, even before we were married, that ...
When I first moved to San Francisco in 2005, I hadn’t made up my mind about it. I wasn’t coming home, specifically, nor was I moving to a city...
The things we think we need aren't always the ones we really want. Did you ever hear the story of a young couple in love, each of whom was trying ...
I recently joked to a friend that if my content of the past 6 months were turned into a haiku (ignoring the whole 5-7-5 rule), it would go somethi...
3 cups of whole milk (preferably not UHT*) 1 cup of heavy whipping cream 1/2 teaspoon of kosher salt 2 tablespoons of distilled white vinegar ...
1.5 oz grappa (we used Lorenzo Inga Grappa Di Barolo) .75 oz Lillet Blanc .75 oz Aperol Orange peel garnish 1. Combine the liquid ingredients...
It snowed in Seattle. On November 4th. I mean…I realize we left California for the PNW but this was something. There’s a part of me that reall...
Let me introduce you to a girl who loves breakfast as much as I do and has a whole blog devoted to all things delicious in the a.m. I first came a...
Serves four 1 small watermelon, preferably seedless — cut into balls using a melon baller 1 handful of fresh mint, roughly chopped 1/4 cup ...
Serves two - three 2 whole branzini (Mediterranean seabass), cleaned and gutted 4-6 sprigs of fresh rosemary 5-6 orange slices, cut in half sa...
I used to write a lot of poetry. I have notebooks filled with raw, young angst. In college, I went up on a stage, terrified, and read one of my po...