For most of the country, the long days of summer have passed and people are preparing for cooler weather and changing leaves. But in California, w...
1 pound of salmon, skin-on, fresh or pre-frozen, preferably wild 1/4 cup of kosher salt 1 tablespoon of sugar 1 tablespoon of cognac (optional) ...
Glitter. No, I'm not talking about the Mariah Carey movie. I'm talking about HOLIDAY TIME! My absolute, very favorite time of year (aside from summe...
I've been in sort of a tizzy this week. I was crazy nervous to see the Cooking Channel segment that Matt and I filmed ages ago with Tracy and Mega...
It's summertime (except in San Francisco) and the Great Lime Shortage of 2014 has seemingly come to an end with lime prices dropping back to norma...
We arrived home to our city, eerily empty. Albeit, it was one o’clock in the morning, but ragged as we were, I couldn’t help but notice the ab...
Serves two - three 2 whole branzini (Mediterranean seabass), cleaned and gutted 4-6 sprigs of fresh rosemary 5-6 orange slices, cut in half sa...
Elijah’s Deli welcomed me with open Jewish grandma arms the first time my parents dropped me off in San Diego to start college as a freshman. An...
Have you ever kept something a really big secret? Something you've never shared with anyone? I was amazed at how long Matt kept his proposal plans...
Originally posted Feb 28, 2012 The last time I felt distinctly overwhelmed for a long period of time was while I was planning my wedding. Often...
I remember these summers when I'd wake up well into the hotter part of the day, pour myself a bowl of cereal and plop down in front of the TV for ...
Melissa and I have never met in person but like many of my other 'blogger friends' she feels like a real life friend. We're emailed about babies a...