It might be a strange time to be posting about lentil soup and turnips, but I promise that it's worth your time. You see, I've had this cookbook, ...
Last month, we opened a call for contributors, and were thrilled to hear that our friend Jeff wanted to share his cocktail know-how with Turntable...
When I first started blogging, I never got any comments. Each time a post would go out in the ether, I'd hold my breath a little, wondering if a k...
We're packing in trips like there's no tomorrow before these babies arrive. We still have some time (I'm nearly halfway there!), but with my growi...
When you live in California, sometimes you feel hours behind everyone else. Weirdly, we watch a recording of the ball dropping in Times Square on ...
I’ve never been a cupcake person. I’m not much for pie, either. But it takes a certain type of cupcake (and a certain type of pie) to win my h...
I jokingly refer to our friends, Hannah and Jeff, as our doppelgangers. Hannah and I are both writers (professionally), but she's also a music blogger...
We've been writing here at Turntable Kitchen for nearly three weeks now and I am finally feeling like I'm settling in. It's kind of like starting...
If there is one thing you need to know about my husband it is that he loves his coffee, dare I say, as much as he loves his music. And because tod...
For the pizza dough: 1/2 tablespoon of active dry yeast 1/2 tablespoon of sugar 1/2 teaspoon of salt 3 cups of all-purpose flour 1 tablespo...
When I was turning 13, my parents asked me if I wanted to have a Bat Mitzvah or a blowout party (with a rented wooden dance floor in my backyard)....
This is the second installment of our new coffee series. You can also read the first post about the difference between light and dark roast coffee...