I’ve reached the stress baking portion of quarantine. I haven’t quite made it to the sourdough starter and bread-baking stage. Nor have I inve...
> > For Matt’s 30th birthday, I baked him a German Chocolate Cake — his favorite, and my very first layered cake. I only had one cake pan at the t...
> When the pandemic hit, there was a lot of fear and panic. Remember wiping down all of our groceries?! But there was also a sense of newness. We we...
> I’ve never been a cupcake person. I’m not much for pie, either. But it takes a certain type of cupcake (and a certain type of pie) to win my h...
> Megan and I met some time ago, when she was still living in San Francisco. I won't go into some of the big life changes she was going through at t...
> I’ll always remember the summer (and fall) of 2015 as the one that we spent living at Ocean Beach. Historically, the San Francisco summer has be...
> There's a lot to be said for knowing how and when to relax. Some people are too good at it, others, not good enough. Which are you?I know how ...
> Ah, relief. I’ve said it before: despite my undying love for summer, often find it sort of overwhelming. There’s the self-imposed pressure �...