"You don't know what you are missing." There is a good chance someone has said that, or a similar phrase, to you when trying to recommend something ...
I love weekend breakfast. I love breakfast in general, but breakfasts on Saturday and Sunday mornings are something special. During the week I feel co...
Hello, dear friends --old and new. A few years ago, I started a little food blog called eating/sf. A year or two later, my boyfriend at the time (...
Do you still get excited about getting the mail? I generally don't. Increasingly, I find that friends send fewer handwritten cards (email and Face...
As you may have noticed from my last post, I can be a creature of habit. I like my routine, and what's wrong with that? What's curious to me, ho...
I used to be a woman of 'yes.' Not in the loose sort of way, mind you. But in a 'sure, I'm free on Thursday night for this random Italian conver...
If I could fly on planes every day, I think I could genuinely write a book. I'd cover chapters above the clouds, land somewhere inspiring and be...
Can you ever really stop looking forward to cake? I mean, there's a reason you get one on your birthday and your wedding day. Cake is a celebrat...
Well hello there, friends. I've missed you! Summer has come and gone but suddenly REAL summer has arrived. The Indian Summer we here in San Franci...
Fall is such a lovely time to cook, don't you think? Fall marks the beginning (and the end, I suppose, depending on how you look at it). For me, F...
The other day, I opened up a leatherbound journal that I had updated over the course of my last two years of college and first year out of colle...