The other day, I sent out a tweet that was meant to be a direct message to someone, only it was projected to the entire world. I panicked (naturally...
There is no season better than summer. Sure, other seasons have their charms, but from the time we are small children, we are instilled with a love ...
Did you miss me? I sure hope so! Because it was quite painful to see that my last post was on May 23rd. This is quite possibly the longest stretch I...
I'm a chocolate person. If you met me and asked me to tell you three things about myself, the fact that I am a chocolate person would probably be on...
Here I am. Making granola again. But not my go-to granola--what may become my new go-to granola. Granola that is sweetened only with maple syrup, an...
It's rare that we, as young people, step back from our day-to-day routines to realize that life is far grander than our desk jobs, our bad dates, ...
Lately I've been finding myself being unable to decide. The girl who's made nearly every decision on the basis of a gut feeling. But lately, well, ...
Matt has been traveling a lot for work recently and I have to admit that it's really started to get me down. Before we met, he traveled a lot for wo...
I'm a meat girl. I am not always confident about my meat-eating ways--especially when I stop to think about the meat industry while reading books ...
If you haven't figured it out yet, I like soup. I like it a lot. My grandfather would argue that vegetarian soup is not really a meal, but I beg...
Last week hit me like a ton of bricks. From an overwhelmingly busy work week to dealing with the sudden take-down of Musical Pairings, it was a good...