The other day BBC debuted this Four Tet remix of the xx's "Angels." Personally, I'm still "getting acquainted" with the album itself, but my love ...
Los Angeles' producer Nosaj Thing is all tied up and set to release a new 10" vinyl packed with smooth, fresh new material. Amongst this crop of c...
"Summer Days" is the aptly titled debut single from Los Angeles' The Reflections. It's bright, catchy and clean like the golden glow of the late a...
Vancouver's Teen Daze has grown a lot since he first his the Internets in mid-2010. His songwriting has matured, his rhythms are more subtly laid-...
A few weeks ago, "BC" was unleashed as the new single from LA's Cold Showers; a band which has been on my radar since their 7'' release on Mexican...
From my perspective, 2012 has proven to be a good year for collaborations. I've seen a number of my favorite musicians partner together for fantas...
From where I'm sitting it looks like Oakland-based Trails and Ways have been on fire. The quickly rising quartet's last single, "Mtn Tune" is a ...
From those initial cascading guitar riffs and the taught, sharp rhythm that kick off the upbeat and clean acoustic version of Mikal Cronin's "Get ...
I think there is a good argument that environment influences the music a band creates. After all, a great many genres are often associated with sp...
Imagine if Depeche Mode, Trent Reznor, and Underworld had a baby. How freaking amazing would its music sound? It's hard to imagine what their supe...
Our feelings for Echo Park-based NO are pretty well documented. So, as you might imagine, we're as excited as anyone to get our hands on a copy of...