Car Seat Headrest's Teens of Denial easily ranks as one of our favorite records of the year. It's simply jam packed with witty lyricism, engaging ...
Need more rock n roll in your life? We've got your back, friend. This latest tune "Do You Really Want Me" from Seattle/Phoenix based Dogbreth will...
This new single from Seattle-based Sloucher has me feeling awfully proud of my new home in the PNW. It's bubbly like a Summer afternoon chillin...
Current obsession: "Love's Gone" by Melbourne duo, Haarlo. Imagine early mid-tempo beats by The xx fused with the sultry voice of Banks. "Love's ...
Very excited to receive new music from Pairings Box alum's TENDER in the inbox this morning. Maybe even more excited to see that they've signed to...
The amazingly talented quartet better known as Warpaint are back with an album announcement and a fresh New Song (yes.....terrible pun intended). ...
The Preatures have a real knack for creating extremely catchy songs; songs that just make your body move, consciously or not. Their latest single ...
I love everything about this new My Morning Jacket jam but particularly the sentiment of the accompanying note: "violence is never the answer...
In light of the overwhelming support we received from our SOUNDS DELICIOUS Kickstarter campaign (now available to pre-order here), it has become p...
Big ole fan of Still Corners here and they have a new single that I'm feeling. It's called "Lost Boys" and it's sleek, slick and decep...
This new single from Kurt Feldman (a.k.a. Ice Choir) is my new jam. It's simply oozing with glistening synths, quietly danceable beats, and silver...