Back in 2014 Mimicking Birds released Eons - an album that quietly reveled in the beauty, ambiguity and expansiveness of the planet and universe ...
In 2015 Julien Baker made waves with her stunning and confident debut Sprained Ankle - an album full of sparse, guitar driven arrangements with Ba...
We're excited to announce that our friends in psych-folk outfit Quilt are the next artist featured in our SOUNDS DELICIOUS series. They've reimagi...
Cathedrals' "Try To Fight" is easily one of the hottest singles of the year and now it gets an equally hot video to go with it. It was choreograph...
To claim that aging is weird is not a particularly groundbreaking sentiment but that doesn't make it any less true. With her latest song, Tamara L...
Benjamin Gibbard, the frontman for Death Cab For Cutie and The Postal Service, has announced the release of Bandwagonesque, a full-length cover ve...
Our good friends Brodie and Johnny in San Francisco's Cathedrals are back with a big, cinematic new single titled "Don't Act Like A Stranger." It'...
The debut track "Gold Angel" from London based new comer Minke is absolutely the smoothest thing I've heard this year. The steady rhythm of guitar...
Here's a nice little holiday-inspired parody of Rolling Stones' "Get Off Of My Cloud" to make your holidays a little merrier. Want more? Don't for...
Lindsay and Cliff from GEMS are back with a brand new single called "Blow Out The Light." It's the first track in a new series called "Every Full ...
Yes, the last two posts aren't new music, but this is where my head's been at the past couple of days. Besides, it's always worth revisiting TV on...