Widowspeak's Almanac was already one of my most anticipated albums of 2013, but hearing this track just got me even more excited about the band's...
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> TV on the Radio's 2006 LP Return to Cookie Mountain was the album that, for me, cemented the band's position as one of indie's leading bands. Bef...
> You've likely heard of Atoms For Peace by now (the side project of Radiohead's Thom Yorke which features both Nigel Godrich and Flea). Their debut...
> I've been sitting on this one for a few days, but I can't hold out on you any longer. Washington, DC-based duo GEMS (Clifford John Usher and Linds...
> I can remember the first time I heard Air's Moon Safari. It was Fall and I was in London with my family. My brother and I'd slipped out and quickl...
> I love Christmas time. For me, the holiday has always been a time for giving; a time for reflecting; and a time for bonding with family. I've live...
> The music of Virginia Beach's Seamonster (a.k.a. Adrian Todd Webb) has long been a favorite in our home. Although it'd be a mistake to over-genera...
> I'm not going to beat around the bush: Ryan Adam's Heartbreaker is one of my favorite albums of all time. In fact, I'd even go as far as to argue...
> I've been really feeling this tune from Nashville boy-girl duo Magic Wands for the past couple of days. It's a sexy, floor-stomping anthem built ...
> Last night in L.A., Flying Lotus revealed that "Captain Murphy" is an alias he's been using for his experimental rap side project. Stitching toget...
> I've been accused of being a "music snob" on more than one occasion. But while I'll agree that I am very particular about my own taste in music, I...