If I didn't already have a boyfriend and was in the market for one, I'm pretty sure these cookies would be my ticket in. They might not be enough to s...
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> I wrote about my last trip to Napa and my second visit to my favorite Napa winery back in May and was pleasantly surprised (ok, super excited to the p...
> ...
> Weekends mean eggs for me. I must admit that I am a creature of habit and one of my favorite rituals is breakfast. It's no wonder it's considered the ...
> I promise that I'll get back to posting recipes and home cooking tales next week. It's not that I haven't been cooking...I just haven't been cooking a...
> If you've been to Italy, you may have had the opportunity to discover that Italians don't do powdered Swiss Miss with dried up mini marshmallows. And ...
> I do love Trader Joe's and his frozen fish fillets. At roughly $6 for 2 sizable fillets, you get 2 full meals worth. The best part is that the frozen ...
> One of my favorite things to do on a foggy Sunday is to walk through Golden Gate Park to the Richmond district and hit up Green Apple Books. Green App...
> My new furniture finally arrived yesterday and I couldn't be more excited. A new bookcase (which is already 100% full), media console for our TV, and ...
> Monday night brought an exciting visitor to town--someone I used to spend nearly all of my time with. My old neighbor and now DC transplant, Cory. I w...
> First, I'd like to start this post by announcing to the world (or, rather, my devoted readers) that I've finally succumbed to the hype and gotten myse...