This thing happens to me in the summer. I don’t really cook. I mean, I cook but I don’t really make recipes. The produce is so fresh and so go...
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> It's believed that Count Camillo Negroni asked his bartender to stiffen up an Americano cocktail (comprised of soda water, sweet vermouth, and cam...
> Elijah’s Deli welcomed me with open Jewish grandma arms the first time my parents dropped me off in San Diego to start college as a freshman. An...
> It's summertime (except in San Francisco) and the Great Lime Shortage of 2014 has seemingly come to an end with lime prices dropping back to norma...
> Serves two - three 2 whole branzini (Mediterranean seabass), cleaned and gutted 4-6 sprigs of fresh rosemary 5-6 orange slices, cut in half sa...
> Serves four 1 small or 1/2 large jicama, peeled and diced into bite-sized cubes 1/2 pint of small cherry tomatoes 4-5 large romaine leaves, was...
> makes 2 drinks For the hibiscus syrup: 3/4 cup of sugar 2 cups of water 1/2 cup of dried hibiscus flowers 1 cup of freshly-squeezed orang...
> My friend Daniel introduced me to David Sedaris back when we were in high school. He leant me the hilarious book, Holidays on Ice, and the firs...
> Last month, we opened a call for contributors, and were thrilled to hear that our friend Jeff wanted to share his cocktail know-how with Turntable...
> You may not have not have noticed but last week was the first time in years that I have gone a week without posting anything to the site (if you e...
> Honestly, I was a skeptic. For years, I didn’t take french press coffee seriously. Most of the coffee I’d been served from a french press wasn...