5 Questions With...Emily Olson, Co-Founder of Foodzie - Turntable Kitchen
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5 Questions With…Emily Olson, Co-Founder of Foodzie

We’re continuing the ‘5 Questions With’ series and today we’re talking with Emily Olson, the co-founder of one of the tastiest places on the Internet: Foodzie! Emily knows A LOT about good food and small producers (Foodzie’s marketplace is an awesome place of discovery for all things delicious). If you missed it earlier, check out 5 Questions With…Joy the Baker. Thanks for stopping by, Emily!

Name: Emily Olson
Location: San Francisco, CA

What’s the single tastiest thing you’ve eaten this month? I’m not usually super fancy about food, but holy wow, the Foie Gras Torchon at Prospect. I was just licking it off my knife before it had the chance to be smeared onto bread. So. Good.

What is your favorite food discovery of 2011? My new weekend obsession: Croissants at Knead Bakery. Buttery with layers in all the right places.

What is your favorite musical discovery of 2011? Just discovered Alex Winston. She’s fun, poppy and upbeat. I love cranking the track Sister Wife while I get ready in the morning.

It’s a sunny day in San Francisco… I am not wearing a scarf (imagine that!) and picnicking in Alamo Square with my man and mutt.

What’s in your pantry? Lots of good dark chocolate. After a meal, it’s the only way to tame my crazy sweet tooth!

Know someone who loves food and music as much as we do? Want to see them on Turntable Kitchen? Let us know who they are in the comments!

