Local Pairings: Evening Empire - The Ocean in Films EP / Build the Myth Backwards EP (paired with Contigo, SF) - Turntable Kitchen
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Local Pairings: Evening Empire – The Ocean in Films EP / Build the Myth Backwards EP (paired with Contigo, SF)

San Francisco four-piece Evening Empire have already managed to crank out a pair of excellent, well-written EPs in their relatively short career. Evening Empire consists of guitarist/singer Anders Carpenter, bass player Sean Ferry, drummer Daniel Hildebrand, and Beau Trincia on synth/organ/vocals. Their latest EP, The Ocean in Films, was just released on July 21 and features 4 tracks of catchy indie rock. Much of this short player, such as the second cut,”On Parade,” consists of shimmery pop-rock reminiscent of early Elvis Costello blended with hints of Murmur-era R.E.M., as well as a small dose of Wolf Parade, owing to jangly guitar, steady percussion and well-harmonized backing vocals. The EP’s third track, “Mining Your Assaults,” is another standout: a slow-rolling rocker that fuzzes in at just the right moments.

Despite the strength of their latest effort, their debut EP, Build The Myth Backwards, is probably my pick for a recommended entry point into the band’s catalog, in part because it contains my two favorite songs I’ve heard by the band so far: “Weather Photos” and “CCTV.” On the track, “CCTV,” booming guitar resonates alongside the melodic bleep of a chiming synth that threatens to obscure the urgently intoned lyrics supplied by Carpenter. Both albums are available as free downloads from the band’s website, and are definitely worth downloading and listening too.

Evening Empire – CCTV (from Build The Myth Backwards EP)
Evening Empire – On Parade (from The Ocean in Films EP)

Evening Empire are performing with Elizabeth & The Catapult and Derek Evans at Cafe Du Nord in San Francisco on August 4, 2009, show at 8:00, 21+, $10.

Head back to our homepage to read Kasey’s review of Contigo in Noe Valley, San Francisco.

P.S. Stay tuned for the grand finale of our Summer Goodies meal on Monday.

