Musical Pairings: American Analog Set - Know By Heart (potato crusted snapper with lemon, butter sauce) - Turntable Kitchen
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Musical Pairings: American Analog Set – Know By Heart (potato crusted snapper with lemon, butter sauce)

Today’s recipe combines light, flaky and moist red snapper with thinly-cut potatoes. The balance of the light fish with the heavy potatoes almost disguises the fact that this is still a very simple, easy recipe. The potatoes are tiled like scales across the snapper creating a layered, textured appearance. The dish makes for a fantastic meal for two at home with a glass of white wine. For all of these reasons, American Analog Set’s album Know By Heart is a great pairing for our potato-crusted red snapper. The droning pop music crafted by Austin, Texas’ American Analog Set is soothing and warm: enveloping the listener like a blanket as he/she sits cuddled around a fireplace. Know By Heart is textured and light, but minimalist; and although it never raises above “quite and reserved”, it remains engaging and clever.

Don’t be fooled by album opener “Punk As Fuck,” it isn’t what you’d expect based on the title. Instead, quiet, brushed percussion, light chimes, and calm, patient vocals propel an intimate, gentle melody. Death Cab For Cutie’s Ben Gibbard appears on the hypnotic, wistful track “The Postman.” The lovely “Choir Vandals” is restful, plaintive, and alluring, even as singer Andrew Kenny chants “destroy / destroy / destroy.” Other highlights include “Aaron & Maria” and “The Only One.” Don’t forget to stop by eating/SF’s homepage to check out the recipe for the potato crusted snapper (and to take a peek at the results of Kasey’s new camera).

American Analog Set – The Only One
American Analog Set – Aaron & Maria

Buy American Analog Set – Know By Heart at Insound.

