Single Serving: The Gorgeous Chans - San Sebastian - Turntable Kitchen
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Single Serving: The Gorgeous Chans – San Sebastian


There is a hole in my sunscreen, sand in my beer and on the wind that just blew my beach blanket away, came news that the band who crafted one of my favorite set of beach tunes last summer have decided to part ways. In a note they left to their fans on their Facebook page The Gorgeous Chans thanked everyone who have supported them on their short lived journey as a band, and as one last token of their appreciation they also left us with one last sun-clad gift, titled “San Sebastian.”

Behind the gleaming guitars and bright fun horns of “San Sebastian,” lies a sad story of lost love. I can’t help but feel this pain upon losing a band with such bright potential, yet in the final words of the chorus Lium, Dan, Brandon, Ephraim, Elliot and Tom remind us that “you’re not alone” as we stand at the edge of the shore waving good bye, watching them float away forever.

Thank you guys, there will always be a place in my heart and one of your songs in my playlist for years to come.

