Musical Pairings: Real Estate - self-titled (paired with pumpkin butter) - Turntable Kitchen
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Musical Pairings: Real Estate – self-titled (paired with pumpkin butter)

They’ve been receiving a lot of hype, but for good reason: Ridgewood, New Jersey’s Real Estate are definitely the next lo-fi pop sensations. The band consists of singer/guitarist Martin Courtney, guitarist Matt Mondanile, drummer Etienne Duguay, and bass player Alex Bleeker. Members of the group have all been playing together in various configurations since they were in middle school in the Jersey ‘burbs, so this is a band that has had plenty of time growing comfortable playing with one another over the years. As a result, their self-titled debut is an album that sounds like it was probably recorded over a number of lazy summer days in the quiet and solitude of the suburbs by a band that is comfortable with one another just has chemistry. Indeed, Real Estate’s eponymous debut is a shimmery, lush pop album that hums along like a happy day-dream. For this reason, it is an ideal pairing for Kasey’s fantastic pumpkin butter recipe, which I can highly recommend enjoying on toast with a cup of coffee/tea on any lazy morning/afternoon.

A bright guitar riff glows and illuminates an upbeat melody that sounds simply evanescent on the album opener, “Beach Comber.” And the cut “Suburban Dogs,” wafts lazily like smoke swirling in a sun beam on a summer day. One of the band’s earliest singles, “Fake Blues,” is a woozy track that floats along as lead singer and guitarist Martin Courtney intones “well, its not as if I choose to be saddled with these fake blues, but your worries ain’t so different from my own. Though I’m far more accident prone.” On the track “Green River,” a duo of glimmering, melodic guitars radiate a crisp, warmth through this song as Courtney sings “Hey Green River, what can I do / if its alright I’ll walk next to you / sit in the shade of your beechwood trees. / Don’t you know these days I ain’t so hard to please.” Another of the band’s early singles,”Suburban Beverage,” is also an album highlight. It is a cut that rolls out at a steady pace and has a certain wistful, whimsical feel to it. It’s a solid album that you may want to consider pre-ordering over at Insound.

Real Estate – Fake Blues
Real Estate – Beach Comber

Head back to eating/sf to read Kasey’s recipe for pumpkin butter.

