Musical Pairings: Elvis Costello & the Attractions - Blood & Chocolate (paired with marinated eggplant) - Turntable Kitchen
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Musical Pairings: Elvis Costello & the Attractions – Blood & Chocolate (paired with marinated eggplant)

Eggplant is such a versatile vegetable (or fruit, depending on your outlook). It has a spongy texture and subtle taste that will absorb the flavors of whatever you prepare it with. It is used in numerous cultural cuisines, and tastes good however you prepare it: you can saute it, bake it, grill it or fry it. This particular recipe, made with the red wine vinegar, is slightly tangy, creamy and refreshing. The versatility of the eggplant itself, along with the red wine marinade that Kasey used for this particular recipe make Elvis Costello’s Blood & Chocolate a perfect pairing for this dish. As an extremely versatile musician, Costello’s discography draws from and incorporates a wide array of musical genres such as new-wave, country, bluegrass, classic rock n’ roll, and punk rock. The red wine vinegar marinade for this recipe is a good analogy for Blood & Chocolate, which reflects an almost acidic, sour romanticism that Costello has defined so well throughout his career.

Blood & Chocolate was recorded by Elvis Costello & the Attractions in 1986, and Costello credited his singing and songwriting on the album to his pseudonym “Napolean Dynamite” for the album. It is one of Costello’s more straight forward “rock” albums, and although it isn’t as solid from start to finish as My Aim Is True or This Year’s Model, it features many of my favorite Costello tracks. “Tokyo Storm Warning” is straight forward Costello rock n’ roll at its very best. “I Want You” is probably the most beautiful, but tortured love song ever recorded (and my favorite Elvis Costello track of all time). If you are completely unfamiliar with Costello’s catalog – you may want to consider starting with My Aim Is True or This Year’s Model. However, if you’ve already memorized the lyrics to “Watching the Detectives” and “Allison,” and are ready for the next step into his extensive discography, welcome to Blood & Chocolate. Pick it up at Insound.

Elvis Costello & the Attractions – I Want You

Head back to the homepage to read Kasey’s recipe for marinated eggplant.

