Single Serving: Spoon - Various Live Covers - Turntable Kitchen
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Single Serving: Spoon – Various Live Covers

Spoon is one of a very small number of bands I’d sit in a line for nearly five hours just for a chance to see them perform in a small club. I’m not speaking hypothetically here either – I did just that when they played Cafe Du Nord in San Francisco in support of Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga. Surprisingly, they have not been represented on Musical Pairings yet. Although I’m sure I’ll get around to pairing one of their albums soon, this Single Serving will have to do for now.

Anyways, I’m going to keep this short and simple. These is my collection of live covers performed by Spoon at various shows over the span of their career. I intentionally left off all of the covers they have recorded in the studio for the time being (i.e. Upwards at 45 Degrees, Bring it on Home to Me, Don’t You Evah, Me and the Bean). Let me know if I’ve missed any. Again, as always, it is my understanding that the band has consented to allowing these songs to be shared. I’ve posted these in roughly the order I think they are worth listening to with “I am the Key” being my favorite Spoon cover and “Melted Pat” being my least favorite (primarily due to the audio quality):

1. Spoon – I Am the Key (La’s Cover)
2. Spoon – It’s Gonna Take an Airplane (Dan Bejar/Destroyer Cover)
3. Spoon – Rocks Off (Rolling Stones Cover)
4. Spoon – Peace Like a River (Paul Simon Cover)
5. Britt Daniel solo – Isolation (John Lennon Cover)
6. Spoon – Set Me Free (Kinks Cover)
7. Spoon – Panic (the Smiths Cover)
8. Spoon – Loose (Stooges Cover)
9. Spoon – Roller Coaster (13th Floor Elevator Cover)
10. Spoon – Rocket USA (Suicide Cover)
11. Spoon – A Good Flying Bird (Guided By Voices Cover)
12. Spoon – Lowdown (Wire Cover)
13. Spoon – Held (Smog Cover)
14. Spoon – Melted Pat (Guided By Voices Cover)

And remember, you can’t live on music alone. Head back to our homepage to see what Kase is cooking in the kitchen.

