Musical Pairings: The Decemberists' Hazards of Love and Bulgur Bowl - Turntable Kitchen
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Musical Pairings: The Decemberists' Hazards of Love and Bulgur Bowl

Kasey and I went to see the excellent musical Wicked this weekend. If you aren’t familiar with it, it is the story of the witches from Oz pre-Dorothy. It may sound ridiculous, but it is thoroughly enjoyable due to great music, great performances, and an entertaining storyline.

Even if Wicked isn’t playing in your city, you can still enjoy an entertaining musical with an over-the-top story in the comforts of your own home. The Decemberists’ latest album, The Hazards of Love, is simply epic. It is a rock opera that chronicles the story of a young woman named Margaret who falls in love with (and gets impregnated by) a shape-shifting faun named William. William’s foster mother (the forest queen) becomes jealous and aids a murderous kidnapper in abducting Margaret “to abuse and render a-rift and defile.” Anyways, you get the idea. This may sound a little too out there, but thankfully the music is fantastic and has the ability to render the context unnecessary if you choose not to follow the story. I recommend picking up the whole album so that you can find out how the story ends.

If you need more convincing you can head over to MFR to download the “Queen’s Rebuke / the Crossing,” which features Shara Warden of the band My Brightest Diamond as the forest queen as well as the standout track “The Rake’s Song.” -Matthew

Head over to home to see the original recipe and pairing together.

The first sign of Spring...

