Single Serving: Daniel Wilson - Wedding Daze - Turntable Kitchen
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Single Serving: Daniel Wilson – Wedding Daze


If you’ve been missing out on Daniel Wilson, shame on you. Seriously. This dude’s the real deal. He’s a songwriter, a storyteller and one hell of a musician. He’s even got a white triangle painted on his face in his new press photo. Rock. Star.

For real, there’s so much to like about Wilson’s output to date. There’s that smoky soul singer’s falsetto. There’s that lyricism. And would you get a load of his hooks? He’s killing me.

On the surface “Wedding Daze” is a smooth, funky jam about a typical wedding day (i.e. “I’ve got the tuxes ready. Go get the flower girl. Prepare the table proper.”) but with a characteristically dark mysticism bubbling up to the surface (including passing references to deals with the devil and the smell of “rimming brimstone from a mile away”).

Weddings! Supernatural evil! Deals with the Devil! Someone get the smelling salts. I’m about to faint.

