A New Year's Anticipation Mix (Sponsored By Life is good®) - Turntable Kitchen
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A New Year’s Anticipation Mix (Sponsored By Life is good®)

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Too often during the holidays I find myself obsessing over all of the wrong details, such as whether I’ve found so-and-so the perfect present or whether Kasey and I will be able to get a reservation at that hot restaurant for New Year’s Eve. And, to be clear, it’s not that I think there is anything wrong with those things. It’s just that whenever I take a moment to reflect, I realize that the holidays are a special time specifically because they present us with an opportunity to slow down and connect with close family and friends. My favorite holiday memories are rarely about what gift I did or didn’t receive or what party I went to or didn’t go to. My favorite parts of the holidays are always about those meaningful moments I spent with my loved ones.

Our New Year’s Anticipation Playlist was prepared with that realization in mind. It’s a great soundtrack for slowing down and enjoying quality time with your family and friends. From Otis Redding to Beach House, there’s something on here for nearly everyone. It’s a perfect excuse to brew up a pot of coffee and gather around the kitchen table for lively conversation and a little holiday cheer.

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This post/playlist has been sponsored by the folks at Life is good®, makers of UTZ certified organic coffee, which promotes sustainable farming. 10% of all their profits go to kids in need. All opinions are my own.



