Single Serving: Kavinsky - Nightcall (Vodka & Milk Remix) - Turntable Kitchen
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Single Serving: Kavinsky – Nightcall (Vodka & Milk Remix)

The awesome L.A. remix duo Vodka & Milk have put together a hot remix of Kavinsky’s cut “Nightcall” and as soon as I heard it I knew I had to share it here.  Even though I first stumbled upon Vodka & Milk’s remix of Matt & Kim’s “Daylight”, I’ve begun to associate them with awesome hip hop bangers, so it is kinda refreshing to see them step outside of their comfort zone by tackling Kavinsky’s “Nightcall” and totally lighting it up. Let me know what you think.   They are working on a remix E.P., and you can expect to here more about it here once it is complete.

Kavinsky – Nightcall (Vodka & Milk Remix)

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