Single Serving: Kandid McFly - "Stage Fright" single - Turntable Kitchen
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Single Serving: Kandid McFly – "Stage Fright" single

I receive a lot of music in my inbox everyday, but rarely do I receive unsolicited hip hop that is as awesome as this cut from Cincinnati based MC Kandid McFly. I only received the one track, so I can’t really make any grand statements as to Kandid’s abilities, but I will say that “Stage Fright” demonstrates an ambitious and talented rapper aiming high and hitting that mark by spitting smooth, literate rhymes over clean production. There are no ploys, gimmicks, or devices – this is just good, straight-forward hip hop. I can’t wait to hear some more. This is the first track off of his upcoming debut.

Kandid McFly – Stage Fright

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