I am always amazed at how much the weather can vary across the Bay Area. After enjoying a scorching hot day in San Jose, I was thrown back into San Francisco mist, fog, and wind today. I’ve now become used to dreary mornings and wearing a down jacket in July, but whenever I get out of my little bubble and remember what summer is actually like, I must admit that I can get a little sad.
It seems like I’ve hit an anniversary/milestone marathon. With my 200th post behind me, I’ve now marked another big step: the end of my 4th year living in San Francisco. In my very same apartment. The carpet has seen better days–thanks to my numerous parties and gatherings. It took me nearly 3 years to finally get a new couch. And my kitchen toys have quadrupled in number. This apartment helped introduce me to one of my very good friends, who was my neighbor for a year before he left for law school in D.C. And it was also strategically positioned exactly three blocks away from Matt’s old apartment, which was no doubt instrumental in our meeting on the train to work. And this kitchen has been the center of much activity.
This slow-roasted salmon is one of my new favorite ways to prepare salmon. I’ve tried a variety of takes on it, including roasting the salmon with the crème fraîche, sprinkling with parsley, basil and chives. I’ve also served it alongside marinated eggplant and roasted potatoes. It’s fast and healthy, and is the best kind of meal to cook when you don’t feel like cooking, but want something delicious anyway.
So, San Francisco, here’s to a good run! You’ve been very, very good to me.
Slow Roasted Salmon with Crème Fraîche and Capers
adapted from Cooking for Friends
* serves 2
2 wild salmon fillets, skin on
sea salt and pepper, to taste
1/2 tablespoon of chopped chives
2 tablespoons of olive oil
Crème fraîche, to serve
capers, to serve
1. Preheat the oven to 250 degrees F, and line a baking sheet with foil.
2. Brush the salmon on both sides with oil and season with sea salt and pepper, placing the fillets skin side down on the foil.
3. Bake the salmon for about 20-25 minutes, until the salmon is opaque all the way through. Allow the fillets to sit for a few minutes before serving.
4. Serve the fillets with a few dollops of crème fraîche. Sprinkle with the chives and capers. We ate ours with a side of roasted Peruvian purple potatoes, which are also delicious with the crème fraîche.
Musical Pairings: Kid Koala – Some of My Best Friends Are DJs + Slow Roasted Salmon
Kaseynd I recently continued our experimentation with slow roasted salmon, this time adding crème fraîche and capers. The result was a warm, playful dish that featured light, upbeat flavors. The slow roasted salmon is tender and moist, and the the crème fraîche and capers add additional levels of complexity to the overall taste. The recipe calls for a fun, steady pairing, something you might hear in an off-beat bistro. For example, Kid Koala‘s 2003 full-length, Some of My Best Friends are DJ’s is a great pairing for this recipe. It’s a similarly light, upbeat record — and it’s also a lot of fun! Check out more at Musical Pairings @ eating/sf. –Matthew
A Note About The Slow Food San Francisco Eat-In
For those of you who live in San Francisco and are looking for something cool to do on Labor Day, I’ve been told that on Monday September 7 from 12:00pm – 3:00pm, Slow Food San Francisco is hosting an “Eat-In” at Civic Center Plaza to support the “Time for Lunch” campaign, which promotes better quality food in local schools. Each participant is asked to bring a dish to share, as well as plates and utensils. The potluck will also feature speakers and provide time for letter writing. Eat-Ins will be happening at several locations across the country, hosted at schools, public buildings and private residences. More info here.
Megan Gordon
What a great salmon recipe–easy, which is nice for those of us slightly intimidated by over-cooking seafood. And those are capers?! They look so big…
Megan,Those are indeed capers–I think they might just look big because of the closeup. I promise they add a delicious zing to the salmon. And slow roasting is really a great option if you're afraid of overcooking, or undercooking seafood (which is what I tend to do!)
1 happy mama
Megan, I think you are talking about her purple Peruvian potatoes. :)I did a double take, too.
Ha! Now that I look at the pics, I can understand why capers might look frightening
Katie Conry
Re: Slow Food Eat InThere is also going to be:-Magnolia Photo Booth-letter writing for adults and kids-kids's gardening project-kid's sushi making with Children's ChoiceHope to see you there!Katie