Musical Pairings: Yeah Yeah Yeahs paired w/ Tomato Chickpea Soup - Turntable Kitchen
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Musical Pairings: Yeah Yeah Yeahs paired w/ Tomato Chickpea Soup

Kasey’s tomato chickpea soup isn’t as simple as it may seem: complex flavors mix together to form a fully satisfying, soul-warming meal. It’s Blitz, the third full length from NYC-based Yeah Yeah Yeahs, is similarly complex and also fully satisfying. Arguably, the best Yeah Yeah Yeahs’ album to date, It’s Blitz finds the band perfecting the styles and themes they first approached on the underrated (at least by Pitchfork – a music website in the habit of underrating excellent albums unless they are by Radiohead) Show Your Bones. Tracks like Dragon Queen, Zero & Heads Will Roll, Karen O and Co., successfully weave hints of disco and electro-pop into the garage-punk style the band previously perfected. My prediction is that this album will find a spot on many critics’ best-of lists at the end of the year. Head over to Canibal Cheerleader to check out Dragon Queen from It’s Blitz.


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