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It’s been a long week. Last week (was it last week?), we elected a new president. This week, the country’s euphoria seems to have leveled and everyone’s facing reality again. I must admit, I’ve found myself feeling anxious. It’s a strange feeling to realize that you’re 25 and face the fact that the world has real problems. As much as I love my life and the place that I’m at, I sometimes remind myself that a mere 4 years ago, I was in college, with no real spending power and little more to worry about than studying for exams, writing essays and finding my first job. It’s strange how fast time flies. Regardless, despite my tendencies for being a pessimist, I’m going to be optimistic. Proactively optimistic. I believe that ultimately, whatever comes down, will inevitably go up. On that note.

This weekend, I’m going to enjoy the great outdoors, do some hiking, do some BBQ’ing and hopefully catch a yum dinner somewhere and bring you a delicious review. Hope you all have a lovely weekend, wherever you are.

